Lord Teach My Hands To War
In Lord Teach My Hands to War, Pastor Kemi Searcy has delivered a message for every follower of Christ to be soldiers of Christ and wage spiritual warfare against the enemy. She describes the nature of the battle before us and our duty as Christians to defend God’s territory and go to war.
Spiritual Nesting: A Weekly Devotional
This 52-week proactive devotional to share from the wealth of experience she has gained through decades of counseling women. Kemi uses true stories to help readers know they aren’t the only ones facing certain situations. Then she relates principles from God’s Word, supported by the lessons she has learned.
You Are Anointed To Win: You Cannot Lose
Are you a Christian with a heart committed to kingdom building, yet you are not sure of the Lord’s assignment for you? Maybe you have served the Lord for decades but never felt certain you were on that path to fulfill God’s special purpose for your life?
Then this book is for you! Let Pastor Kemi anchor you in the knowledge that Jesus Christ You are anointed to win! You cannot lose!
Conquering the Spirit of Offense
We have all been offended at one time or another. Offenses or the "spirit" of offense can escalate a situation to where the offense can take on a life of its own. In this book, Kemi Searcy talks about what's really behind the spirit of offense and breaking free from offense and its power over your life. Being free from the spirit of offense will allow you to fulfill your destiny in God.